Monday, February 28, 2011

Couldn't Seem To Think Up A Killers Related Title

Oh Monday, how I love thee! Not.

School...Blergh. Geometry is such a pain. Right now we are doing this crazy trigonometry stuff with those sines and cosines and tangents. It all makes my brain hurt. I spent two whole hours of my study hall trying to figure out what the hell I was doing and got absolutely nowhere. Maybe I wouldn't be doing so badly if my teacher didn't completely SUCK. I have a test on friday on all this stuff that I will without a doubt fail if some miracle doesn't happen. I wonder if one of the Killers could tutor me...

I'm also crossing my fingers that my parents let me do track this spring. I want to do it so bad, and they want me to just focus on school, so we'll see if we can find a compromise.

Well, I'm off to study some more and play some piano. I'm trying to learn how to play Somebody Told Me, and it is not going too well.

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