Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Epic Running Story

I hardly write two posts a week, never mind two in the same day. But I felt it was necessary to tell you all about my failure of a run.

Like mentioned in my earlier post, it was 50°. Warm enough to wear shorts, right? Anyways, I started on my run, and everything was going fine. The sun was just started to set and the air was still warm and "spring-ish". And then my ankles started to throb and burn. Pretty soon I was hobbling along like an old lady. Running was with any great speed was definitely out of the question, so I figured I better take a short cut across the field if I wanted to be home before dark.

Little did I know that said field was covered in about two feet of snow. Only, I didn't realize that until I had gone nearly 20 feet and it was too late to turn around. So, there I was in my little running shorts knee-deep in snow, stuck in the middle of a damn field. I don't even want to know what all those other, sensible people jogging in their sweatpants thought of me. (Not that I really care.)

So yup, that's my story. Not all that epic, really. Bye.

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