Saturday, December 11, 2010

So, maybe I will write some more in this blog. I was considering abandoning it because I'm just so busy, but naw...

I'm not sure what use it is to have a blog if i have no followers, but hopeful that will change when I have something to write about.

I gotta go have pizza now! Buh bye!

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

First Post Ever

Ah, so you found my blog. Lucky you. Well, you don't have to like it. It is mainly to amuse myself because i'm home sick (again!) today. I might never post again, and that will be just fine.

I guess you'd want to know a bit about me.

Hmm...Where to start? I'm just a girl who's age will go unsaid (cough cough 15 cough couch) and has very strange red hair that never seems to cooperate. I love swim team with a burning passion and I wish I was fluent in french. Right now I have this obsession with the Killers. For those of you who have been living under a rock or something, the killers are the most amazing band EVER. (Well, probably not ever, but they are really good.) You don't want to get me started on a Killers Rant, so just google them. Here is a link to one of my favorite songs by them:

If you noticed, I named my blog after that song.

Also, look at these songs too: (Both by Brandon Flowers, the frontman of the Killers)

I can't think of anything else to write at the moment. I'll probably post again because starting a new blog is just so exciting! Bye, for now.

p.s. I can't promise that i will blog with any regularity (is that a word?) becse I'm so busy.