Sunday, May 01, 2011

Day 3

Day 3: My first love

My first love? Well, I'm only 15 and I've never had a boyfriend, so...I don't know? (You see, I'm pretty uncomfortable announcing who I like on this blog because I'm pretty sure my sister and/or my parents will somehow read this. So...)


Nice weather, huh.

GEEZ! Okay, first love. I'm gonna change it to first crush, because I haven't loved anyone outside my family. My first crush was back in either 3rd or 4th grade on this boy who I'll call James. From what I remember, James was a total class clown and he would always make fun of me. (In a friendly way.) And then, at the end of 4th grade, James went to a private school, and I haven't seen him since. Boo hoo. Oh well.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 2

Day Two: The meaning behind my blog name.

It's pretty basic. I named my blog after one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands. (When You Were Young, by The Killers.) The music video is pretty awesome, so I'm gonna include a link. I don't know how to put the video on here directly.

(If you've read any other of my posts, you'd know that I'm pretty much OBSESSED with The Killers. )

Anyways, I really wanted to blog more than once a month, but I forgot my password/it wasn't working. I think I must have been typing it in wrong or something. Whoops.

Oh my god, only 7 more weeks of school. THEN...SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh hallelujah!

Have a nice day/night! I sure won't be, because I have about a weeks worth of homework procrastination to pay for tonight.

Friday, April 01, 2011

Day 1

Okay, so this thirty day challenge was something I planned to do during the month of march. Obviously that's just not gonna happen. Oh well.

Day One: A Picture of Me and 15 Facts

This is a picture from my vacation to Utah last summer. I absolutely love this picture; The only downside is you can't see me very well. Let me add another one.

(Me having fun on photobooth.) I really wanted to put some more vacation pictures, but I don't have them on this computer.

15 Facts:

1. I am the klutziest person you will EVER meet.

2. My favorite band in the entire world is The Killers.

3. I haven't had a pair of matching socks in over two years.

4. When I was in 2nd grade, my friend and I were such nerds that we snuck books into Fenway Park (it was a school field trip) so we could hide away and read.

5. I have a cereal obsession. I'd eat it for every meal if I could.

6. the first and only concert I've even been to was Brandon Flowers on 11/26/10.

7. My favorite color is blue. But sometimes it's green or purple.

8. I'm a ginger, but contrary to popular belief, I DO have a soul. ( actually, I'm one of those freaky gingers without green eyes or freckles. )

9. I absolutely positively LOVE to travel. I really want to go to college on the other side of the country. Maybe California or Arizona.

10. I am a girl scout. Yes, you heard me. i'm 15 years old and a girl scout. :)

11. Music is my life. (The Killers, Dire Straits, Fleetwood Mac, The Cure, U2, Bright Eyes, Pixies, Aerosmith, Regina Spektor, Mika, Pink Floyd, Billy Joel, Stevie Nicks, Coldplay, Brandon Flowers...I could go on for hours!)

12. I love lying in bed on Saturday mornings.

13. My favorite ice cream flavor is moose tracks

14. I'm on swim team because it is the only sport I'm actually good at (and because I like it a lot, but what ever.

15. I just applied for my first summer job yesterday.

Yep, that's me. Whooopeeeeee! Get ready for day two tomorrow.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 0.5

I think I made my last post two weeks ago about how I was gonna do this 30 Day Blog Challenge thing. And then I go and disappear off the face of the earth.

Sorry guys, my teachers kinda went insane and decided that the idea of free time is just plain stupid. (I've been really busy.) Hopefully, I'll be able to start it this weekend. I can't now because I need to finish my essay that's due tomorrow, and then start my other essay that's due on thursday. Ugh.

Monday, February 28, 2011

30 Day Challenge, Day 0

To give my blog a little more meaning, I've decided to do the thirty day challenge. Tomorrow is Day 1. It will give me something to do this month because March is quite honestly horrible. For those of you who'd like to do it themselves, here it is:

Day 0: The 30 Day Challenge Explanation and Description
Day 1: Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts
Day 2: Meaning behind your blog name
Day 3: Your first love
Day 4: Your parents
Day 5: A song to match your mood
Day 6: A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 7: Favorite movies
Day 8: A place you've traveled to
Day 9: A favorite picture of your best friend
Day 10: Something you're afraid of
Day 11: Favorite tv shows
Day 12: Something you don't leave the house without
Day 13: Goals
Day 14: A picture of you last year - how have you changed?
Day 15: Bible verse
Day 16: Dream house
Day 17: Something you're looking forward to
Day 18: Favorite Place to Eat
Day 19: Something you miss
Day 20: Nicknames
Day 21: Favorite Picture of yourself ALL TIME Why?
Day 22: What's in your purse?
Day 23: Favorite Movie
Day 24: Something you've learned
Day 25: Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs
Day 26: Your Dream Wedding
Day 27: Original Photo of the city you live in
Day 28: Something that stresses you out
Day 29: 3 Wishes
Day 30: a picture of yourself this day and 5 good things that happened since you started the challenge

***Oh, great brandon Flowers quote: "I don't look so hot in a cheerleading uniform." (Oh I bet he would!)

Couldn't Seem To Think Up A Killers Related Title

Oh Monday, how I love thee! Not.

School...Blergh. Geometry is such a pain. Right now we are doing this crazy trigonometry stuff with those sines and cosines and tangents. It all makes my brain hurt. I spent two whole hours of my study hall trying to figure out what the hell I was doing and got absolutely nowhere. Maybe I wouldn't be doing so badly if my teacher didn't completely SUCK. I have a test on friday on all this stuff that I will without a doubt fail if some miracle doesn't happen. I wonder if one of the Killers could tutor me...

I'm also crossing my fingers that my parents let me do track this spring. I want to do it so bad, and they want me to just focus on school, so we'll see if we can find a compromise.

Well, I'm off to study some more and play some piano. I'm trying to learn how to play Somebody Told Me, and it is not going too well.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

That Clock Was Tickin' Too Fast

Let me just say this: I HATE SUNDAYS!!!

And sadly, the Sunday at the end of vacation is the worst of them all. Sad face :( I'm

But Wait! Something exciting happened today!!! My family and I went to the Peabody Essex Museum to see this Dutch artists exhibit. Thrilling stuff. (It actually was pretty cool; I was just really tired because I had had a sleepover the night before and stayed up a bit too late.)

So, my sister(Savannah) and I were VERY, VERY bored and basically just wandering around the halls. And out of nowhere, she shouts "Oh my god! THAT GUY LOOKS LIKE BRANDON FLOWERS!!!" I look, and see I guy who literally could be his twin. I actually had to look twice to make sure it wasn't him. The guy was wearing a blue plaid shirt, dark grey skinny jeans, and those glasses Brandon sometimes wears. He was the same height, same build, and look nearly identical to the Sam's Town Era Brandon Flowers. It was freaky!!!!!!

Anyway, savannah and I managed to entertain ourselves by stalking him around the museum. I do hope he didn't notice.

So the day was actually pretty fun. Up until now, I guess, when I realized I had a ton of homework to do. Maybe I'll go eat some girl scout cookies.

Oh, here's what the guy looked like: (Pretty snazzy, huh?)